Monday, June 11, 2007

Gorgeous and Amazing

When I first spotted this necklace by Rachael Sudlow, my response was "Holy cow, everybody has to see this amazing piece of work!" And knowing the vast readership (oh, I am sure you are out there!) of this blog, I thought this was the perfect place to share. What is amazing to me is how this necklace captures Monet's waterlilies so perfectly, while still being identifiable as a piece by Sudlow. And she tells me there are matching hoop earrings on the way.
Ms. Sudlow is making a generous offer to my blog readers: Mention this blog along with your purchase of more than $50 and she will send you a little gift with your order: pearl earrings!


msbelle said...

This is so pretty! I love her work too. This is great!

*BB* said...

This is gorgeous!!

Wear Your Wild said...

That is beautiful! I love Sudlow's eye for design.

Som's Studio said...

I have lusted after Sudlow's "Waterlily Necklace" for a long time....its stunning.